We are Piantando

We run high-impact environmental and social projects.

Explore our sustainability services and let’s build a project together.

Which projects can you support?

We help businesses achieve their sustainability goals and make a positive impact in various areas.


Protect parks, coasts, and marine environments across Italy with Plastic Pull associations.

Your company can:

  • monitor the collection campaign online.
  • reduce its environmental impact.
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Create a corporate forest.

Plant and protect native trees:

  • in Italy, in areas identified as at risk by the Ministry of the Environment.
  • in Chile, in Patagonia and the Central region.
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Transform the reality of villages in Malawi.

Deal with two of the most pressing challenges:

  • install solar-powered streetlights to provide safety for women and children.
  • build drinking water wells to improve health and support community development.
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Transform the reality of villages in Malawi.

Deal with two of the most pressing challenges:

  • install solar-powered streetlights to provide safety for women and children.
  • build drinking water wells to improve health and support community development.

Light up a village

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Build a water well

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Promote sustainability

Engage teams and collaborators with online and offline activities.

Piantando Academy

Training programs and webinars led by CSR professionals.

Sustainable corporate gifts

Handmade and made-in-Italy products to convey your company's values.

Team building and workshops

Corporate events to engage employees, clients, and partners.

Interactive quizzes

Multiple-choice tests to learn about sustainability in line with corporate goals.

Communicate CSR

Share your company’s commitment through dedicated storytelling.

Online platform

We create a dedicated landing page to transparently and concretely monitor achieved results.

Social media and newsletters

We create and editorial campaign with custom graphic layouts for effective and transparent communication.


We help you engage your audience and share your company values through a dedicated interactive platform.

Together, we can make our Planet a better place.

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Why Piantando?

We work with companies that want to take concrete actions to make a positive impact.

Our projects align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The activities carried out can be included in the Company’s Sustainability Report.

We personally manage the financial, environmental, and operational data of each project.

Each completed project is associated with public digital certificates, permanently registered to the company.


Kg of waste collected


Trees planted


Water well built


Villages lit up


Kg of waste collected


Trees planted


Water well built


Villages lit up

Our story

We are a Benefit Corporation that initiates and manages high-impact social and environmental projects. We focus on areas where we can make a real difference and partner with companies that are committed to taking concrete actions for the Planet.