Tangoo x Silva

In 2024 Tangoo adopted 250 mature trees in the natural reserve of Project Silva in Abruzzo, Italy.



trees adopted

The Silva project actively contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:

Explore Tangoo's commitment

The project

Tangoo has adopted mature trees in Abruzzo in the Silva di Piantando project. The Silva project restores land at risk of collapse or intensive use.


Each tree is georeferenced and a unique code is assigned to it with all the data such as species and coordinates.


Intensive exploitation, hydrogeological instability and fires seriously put our territory at risk. This is why Piantando develops sustainable forestry projects by planting native trees and integrating biodiversity protection projects.

The operation

We carry out the activities ourselves, involving local agricultural companies for more intensive reclamation activities and we communicate with the municipalities for the disposal of waste previously abandoned on the land.

The project of Tangoo
is certified by Piantando

Piantando’s certification system assigns a unique code to every action of the project.

Actions verified and certified

0 unique codes connected to Yoox have already been certified in our system. Here are some of them!

Do you want to find a certified action?

Code Project Group Certificate
Code Project Group Certificate

Silva Tutela Bosco

What is this project about?

We are redeveloping an area at risk of fire, runoff and drought to restore hectares of land that were abandoned or previously used for intensive agriculture into a natural area.

What is Piantando?

We are a Benefit Corporation that initiates and manages high-impact social and environmental projects. We operate with a direct management approach and constant monitoring over time to ensure maximum transparency, sustainability, and measurability of each individual project.

We intervene where we can truly make a difference and work with companies that want to take concrete actions towards the Planet.

The projects we initiate and select align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.