Yoox x Il Pozzo dei Desideri

For Christmas 2023, Yoox supported the construction of a water well in Malawi with the project “Il Pozzo dei Desideri” of Piantando.


Contribution to the construction of a water well

The "Il pozzo dei desideri" project actively contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals:

Explore Yoox's commitment

The project

Together with Il Pozzo dei Desideri, we build water wells in villages of Malawi that do not have access to clean water sources. It is hard to build a water well in Malawi, but not impossible. We are building wells in Malawi to provide thousands of people with a safe water source.


The information about every well is included in unique codes that certify the project. Every well is connected to a precise number of codes that are used to pinpoint that single well.


The lack of a water supply system forces the women and children of many villages to walk many kilometers every day to collect clean water to drink and cook.

The operation

In the dry season, we go to Malawi and thanks to our local partners we can select the villages that need our intervention. In these villages we build artesian wells to provide the population with clean and free water.

The project of Yoox
is certified by Piantando

Piantando’s certification system assigns a unique code to every action of the project.

Actions verified and certified

1 unique codes connected to Yoox have already been certified in our system. Here are some of them!

Do you want to find a certified action?

Code Project Group Certificate

Il pozzo dei desideri

Water well no. 7

Code Project Group Certificate

Il pozzo dei desideri

What is this project about?

Thanks to Yoox we are financing the construction of a new well in Malawi.

What is Piantando?

We are a Benefit Corporation that initiates and manages high-impact social and environmental projects. We operate with a direct management approach and constant monitoring over time to ensure maximum transparency, sustainability, and measurability of each individual project.

We intervene where we can truly make a difference and work with companies that want to take concrete actions towards the Planet.

The projects we initiate and select align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.